Monday, March 28, 2011

Having the Mind of Christ

I do alot of thinking...probably because of doing years of counseling have made me fascinated by how our minds work. I can more easily figure out how pisoners think than I can professing Christians that do not live up to what the Word of God says our behavior should be. And politicians, the people that are "running" this country...they totally blow me away, it seems they don't even have common sense.The book of Ephesians is very clear concerning what we are to allow in our minds, and consequently control our actions. It's very for professors, they are without excuse. Take attitudes toward Israel as a really good example. If we should be clear, and have the truth about anything it should be the nation of Israel. God makes it perfectly clear, they are His, and He will bless them that bless Israel and curse them that curse Israel. Ever since Israel became a nation in 1948, the world by and large has grown to curse them! That land at the time belonged to Great Britian, who won it in WWI from the Ottoman Empire. The British occupied that piece of land. After WWII, things changed. The inhabitants of that piece of land for hundreds of years were arabs and Jews, living together as nomads on a virtual desert. The new UN were petitioned to split the land Great Britian held between the Jews and arabs equally. The Jews said yes, the arabs said no. Why? Because the surrounding arab nations, particularly Jordan and Saudia Arabia, told them to because they were going to invade the Israeli part and push them into the Med, and the arabs would have it all. And they did, one day after Israel became a nation they were invaded by five existing arab nations...but Israel prevailed! Think God had anything to do with that???? And now the "palestinians" had no land. And, surprise, surprise, the surrounding arab nations would not let them immigrate into their countries. So they became homeless. They lived in squalid settlements where ever they could. TO BE CONTINUED...........