Sunday, August 28, 2011

Israel, can't part 4

What will it mean if this anti-Semitism continues and/or gets worse? To me, it indicates one more time that we are definitely in the last days and moving rapidly toward Christ’s return for His bride!  In my opinion, when Israel became a nation in 1948, the scenario was “kicked off.” Old Testament prophecies began to come alive as Israel bloomed, prospered and began to make her mark in the world. US Presidents,Congressman,Senators and other important persons saw her as a force to be reckoned with and were very supportive of her democratic government, the ONLY nation in the Middle East that was democratic. That attitude continued for decades, President after President, just about all were supportive of this tiny nation thriving in the midst of her Arab neighbors…all were antagonistic and threatening. The world quickly began to forget that the “so-called” Palestinians had refused their own state, were NOT the original occupiers of the area, thousands of years ago both Arabs and Jews shared the land, and the more antagonistic toward God…pagans…were conquered by the Israelites at God’s instruction so as not to pollute the holiness God instilled in them as a pattern for living. Even God’s instruction to the Jews was at times harsh but it was always to keep down sin among His people. You may ask why God desired a group of people He called “His”…what purpose did He have in mind in calling Abraham out from his homeland and people, not even telling him where He was taking them????  Well, He wanted 1) a people, a group of people actually, that would love Him and obey Him, and be His very own people that He would love and care for eternally, 2) a people that would keep account of His instructions and preserve the writings, 3) a line of people that would remain pure that He could use to bring His Son into the world as Savior of all. In return He gave them a land, starting with Abraham, that would always be His/theirs. The key word here is “OBEY…” Of course they did not, He was constantly dealing with them in their sin, the whole of the Old Testament is full of the account, and much of the New. But, the Covenant He made with Abraham was unconditional since He knew they would not keep it, and unconditional is unconditional…then and now! He said “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you,” then and now. He never breaks a promise…


If we go back to the book of Daniel, we’ll get a timeline of God’s dealing with Israel. All is accomplished with the exception of seven years. get out your study Bible and check it out, all but seven years. We Christians refer to that time period, as does the Apostle John in Revelation, as the Tribulation. Jesus Himself referred to it in Matthew 24-25, calling it a time when there would be such horrible events He would have to intervene at the end or none would survive, so terrible nothing in past history would compare and as you know, some pretty awful things have happened so it must be going to be too horrible to even contemplate. But it will come because God said so and He never changes His mind or breaks a promise.